concept of plant blindness

plants carry importance via

  • agriculture/consumption
    • basis of all food chains β†’ primary producers
    • primary producers photosynthesize solar heat/energy into chemical energy as sugar
    • primary producers include many algae and bacteria
  • sheltering (material culture)
    • shelter via wood
    • generally things are made out of materials derived from wood or other plants
  • medicinal
    • plant-based medicines (aspirin originated from willow plants)
    • different chemicals used than those in food/consumption (sugar, starch, proteins vs.)
    • consumption chemicals are primary chemicals
    • medicine, toxins, and flavors are secondary chemicals and not part of major biosynthetic pathways
      • cinnamons, basil compounds
  • ecosystem services: purification, water estuaries, erosion prevention, etc.
    • services which provide a monetary/chargeable value
    • global warming and prevention of global warming
      • use of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and removing it from the overall ecosystem

phylogenetic review

  • plants and algae are primary producers; fungi are decomposers
  • monophyletic groups/clades
  • biological classification system:
    1. domain
    2. kingdom
    3. phylum
    4. class
    5. order
    6. family
    7. genus
    8. species
  • maintained due to some reasons such as endangered species act (unable to remove the species definition)
  • species: an evolutionary lineage/line
    • biological species definition: a species is reproductively isolated and only is able to reproduce with its species and not other groups/species
    • plants falter under the biological species definition; plants can often produce fertile hybrid offspring (vs. sterile hybrid offspring in animals)
      • hybrid swarms can occur
      • hybrids can back-breed
    • bacteria cannot breed sexually
    • main definition is on an evolutionary line; vaguer definition here

land plants

  • four informal groups of land plants
  • overarching plant groups: nonvascular and vascular plants
    • non-vascular: bryophytes
      • liverworts, mosses, hornworts
    • vascular has two subgroups
      • seedless vascular plants
        • lycophtes (club mosses, spikemosses, quillworts)
        • monilophytes (ferns, horsetails, whisk ferns)
      • seeded plants
        • gymnosperms and angiosperms
        • angiosperms are flowering plants and the most familiar often
  • non-vascular plants are tiny and lack vascular tissues (β€œplumbing systems”, veins, water/sugar/mineral transport systems)
    • limited and small
    • live in wet areas; sperm must flow through water and moist areas (flagella)
  • seedless vascular plants have a water transport system but do not reproduce via seeds
    • reproduce using spores
    • live in wet areas; sperm must flow through water and moist areas (flagella)
  • seed plants do not need to be restricted to moist/wet areas
    • seeds have embryos and sperm + food package and covering
    • seeds lack flagella and do not need to swim
    • often evolutionary advantageous
  • gymnosperms: β€œnaked seed plants”
    • gymno- refers to β€œbeing naked”
    • seeds are not enclosed in fruit or larger coverings; seeds are exposed
  • angiosperms: flowering plants
    • angio- refers to β€œcontainer”
    • fruit is the vessel/container
    • both flowers and seeds are present in fruits

angiosperm morphology

  • flowering plant form
  • morphology is the study of form

non-reproductive morphology

  • composed of 3 primary plant organs
  • roots usually grounded/underground
    • forms a root system to absorb water and minerals
      • including common nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium
    • anchors the plant and keeps it in place
  • above-ground organs include leaves and stems
  • leaves have two specific components
    • blade: flat, expansive section
    • petiole: thin, skinny β€œstem”
    • primarily used in photosynthesis
  • stems
    • hold up leaves and often make leaves or part of what we think makes up leaves
    • several regions
      • leaves attach at the stem nodes
      • internodes are sections between nodes/leaf nodes
  • leaves and stems make up the shoot system
    • the end of the plant opposite of the roots: β€œshoot tip” or β€œterminal bud”
    • axil: the angle of the region between a leaf and the stem
    • axillary/apical bud: the bud structure present at the axil
      • growing points with a specific arrangement
  • simple vs compound leaves
    • depends on the subdivision of the blade into leaflets
    • in both there is not the presence of multiple axillary buds; only at the base of the leaf
  • phenotypic/developmental plasticity
    • leaves may differ in form due to their environment, temperature, function, amount of sunlight received, etc. even though they have the same genes
    • organs may be modified (onion leaves/stems)
  • stems are necessary organs for the plant
    • stems can be green, photosynthetic, underground, etc.
    • not the normal function, but is possible


  • a group of cells usually undifferentiated (or deemed separate types of cells) that can perform cell division
  • equivalent of stem cells; no stem cells in plants
  • growing regions of plants
  • two kinds of meristems
    • apical meristems are always present; must exist for a plant to exist
      • exists in all buds, root tips
      • lengthen plants; increase height/depth
      • tissue formed is primary tissue or the primary plant body
    • lateral meristem are not always present, but optional; two subtypes
      • cylindrical, not pointed
      • occur on the sides of the plant
      • create secondary tissues or a secondary plant body
      • widen the plant; diameter
      • found in large trees
      • many types of plants, such as wood, cork, etc.
      • woody plants are hard due to wood tissue
  • dome of undifferentiated cells underneath horns

common terms

  • herb: any non-woody plant
  • wood: tissue that transports water and minerals up and down plant
    • xylem tissue
    • secondary
  • woody plants include trees and shrubs
    • trees have one main stem (the trunk) and are usually larger than shrubs
    • shrubs have several main stems rather than one big stem; shrub stems branch out from one group/point

growth in plants vs. animals

  • meristems cause indeterminate growth
  • indeterminate: no fixed size; infinite growth only limited by resources/supplies
  • animal growth is determinate; fixed by number of stem cells
  • differences in growth form
    • animals have fixed amounts of growth; unitary body plans (some exceptions)
    • plants have modulary body plans; indeterminate

reproductive physiology


  • modified determinate shoot stems and leaves
  • modified via evolution
  • four flower parts: sepals, petals, stamen, pistil
  • sepal: lowest node, usually multiple (3+) on one node
    • protects flower whilst in the bud
  • petal: usually colored to attract pollinators, but not always; also usually large
    • exist in wind pollination plants, but less showy
  • stamen: produces pollen grains which carry sperm
    • the top part usually produces β†’ ??? ; lower stem is filament
  • pistil: sexual organs
    • carpels are modified leaves which make up the pistil; fused together
    • ovary on top of the carpels; produces ovules which carry eggs
    • long connecting part called the style
    • stigma is sticky/feathery; catches pollen grains
      • pollen grains grow a long tube through the style into the ovary in attempt to cause fertilization
  • fertilized zygotes develop into embryos; ovules grow into seeds


  • eu- β†’ β€œtrue”; revision of dicot polyphyletic clade
  • primary classes
  • named by the number of cotyledons (seed leaves)
    • cotyledon: a leaf on the embryo of the seed
    • monocots have one cotyledon, eudicots have two
  • can also be differentiated by veins
    • monocot veins are parallel, eudicots are netted; very small, usually noticed more under light
  • different organizations of stem/shoot vascular tissue
    • complex arrangement of monocots
    • eudicot tissue arranged in a ring
  • different root systems
    • monocots have a fibrous root system
    • eudicots have a taproot system; one tap root and lateral roots
  • different numbers of flower parts; standardize across clades
    • monocots: in threes
    • eudicots: in fours or fives

plant cells

  • plastids: bound by 2 membranes outside
    • chloroplasts: 4-6 um in diameter
      • perform photosynthesis
      • disc-shaped, but are able to change shapes and orientation with regard to the cell membrane
      • thylakoid membrane sacs interconnected and stacked
      • granum/grana stack in thylakoid
      • stroma fluid
      • semi-autonomous; able to divide via binary fission, have nucleoid with several copies of chromosome, and regulated via dual control
    • chromoplast: a colored, but non-green plastid
      • usually yellow, orange, or red β†’ carotenoids
      • carotenoids are fat soluble, not water soluble; stored in the thylakoids
      • found in fruits mostly, also flowers
    • leukoplasts: white/clear plastids
      • store starch or oil
    • amyloplasts: clear plastids
      • store starch
    • all plastids are developmentally related to each other
      • all plastids start out as proplastids then differentiate
      • chloroplasts aboveground, chromoplast belowground, etc.
      • mature chloroplasts can convert to chromoplasts and vice versa
  • central vacuole
    • bound by one membrane: tonoplast
    • large; small vacuoles merge into one central vacuole which occupies up to 95% cell volume
    • contains cell sap made of water, sugars, ions, salts, water-soluble pigments, toxins, enzymes, etc.; many solutes
    • many functions; perform enzymatic/digestive role instead of lysosomes (subsume in central vacuole and digest)
      • store pigments as long as they are water-soluble; anthocyanins (red, blue, β€œnice flower colors”)
      • store toxins; avoids keeping it in cytosol and damaging organelles
      • stores crystals; sometimes toxins crystallize due to volume
      • facilitate growth; maintain turgor/water pressure
        • keeps erect/rigidity of cell walls

cell walls

  • cell walls: in the apoplast
    • protoplast: the cell membrane and structures inside the membrane
      • aka symplast
    • apoplast: all sections outside the cell membrane: cell walls, spaces between the cells, and spaces inside dead cells
    • share an extracellular matrix like animal cells; may be more rigid/supportive
    • different functions: helps maintain shape and turgor pressure
      • protects from predators and viruses
      • many allow transport through the cell wall
      • enzymes are embedded in cell wall
    • several layers of the cell wall
  • a minimum of two layers
    • middle lamella: a glue-like more outermost layer
      • lamella β†’ β€œlayer”
      • hydrophilic
      • made from pectins
        • causes the structure of jams/jellies
        • pectin makes cells stick together
        • hydrophilic
      • made of polysaccharides; no cellulose
    • primary cell wall: a layer within the middle lamella
      • not rigid, but contains cellulose
      • specific arrangement of cellulose
      • composed in a matrix which includes other materials; cellulose is embedded in the matrix
        • cellulose: beta glucose subunits (the hydroxyl on the first unit of the ring is parallel to the ch2oh unit)
          • beta glucose subunits are attached together while hydroxyl-ch2oh parallels are opposite of the adjacent units
          • linear repeating chain; not coiled; strong; composed of 1000s of beta glucose units
          • glucose molecule
          • not the basis of the cell wall alone; large amounts exist in parallel and form hydrogen bonds between themselves creating a cellulose molecule β€œcable”
            • cables form cellulose microfibrils; basis of the cell wall
        • matrix has two main components: pectins (polysaccharides) and hemicellulose
          • both are polysaccharides
          • both are hydrophilic
          • water will go through the primary cell wall and the middle lamella without transport channel usage
          • pectins form a mesh/net; some but irregular hydrogen bonding between pectins
          • hemicellulose crosslinks; tethers together cellulose microfibrils by forming hydrogen bonds across one length of a microfibril then traveling across to form bonds to the other microfibril
            • always runs parallel to the cellulose microfibrils
          • proposed correct layout
          • glycoproteins, waterproofing materials, lignin can all also be in the matrix, but are not necessary
    • additional cell walls are further in
    • secondary cell wall is within the primary cell wall
      • can be much thicker than previous two layers
      • often when a cell has deposited this, it will die
      • rigid, hydrophobic wall; needs channels for transport
      • cellulose microfibrils; several parallel layers arranged in different orientations; cross-netting
      • matrix made of many materials: hemicellulose, lignin
        • lignin is a phenolic polymer which reinforces the rigidity/hydrophobic properties of the secondary cell wall
          • aromatic ring with a hydroxyl; no repeated linkage between lignin
      • secondary cell wall prevents growth
  • cellulose microfibrils are particularly arranged in order to facilitate cell expansion
    • microfibrils cannot be stretched; hemicellulose crosslinks must be broken and turgor pressure will expand microfibrils and cells within
    • elongation; more microfibrils can be created afterwards
    • in random arrangement, cells expand in all random directions


  • plasmodesma: a cytoplasmatic connection between two cells that facilitates communication
  • lumen: the inside of the cell
  • cell membrane between neighboring cells is continuous
  • endoplasmic reticulum has a portion of the reticulum form a membrane channel and connect into and through the neighboring cell
    • inner tubule is the desmotubule
  • channels are very small
  • grouped into a primary pit field: group of plasmodesmata


  • areas that lack the secondary cell wall after it has been deposited; a hole in the secondary cell wall
  • pits occupy a primary pit field; avoids blocking off primary pit fields immediately
  • created after a cell membrane has usually died off

cell types, tissues, and tissue systems

  • cell: basic unit of life
  • tissue: a group of cells which forms a structural unit
  • simple tissue: 1 cell type; complex: 2+
  • tissue system: a group of tissues which form a structural unit
  • three tissue systems in vascular plants
    • dermal tissue system: the external outer covering
      • epidermis tissue in primary growth
      • in herbs, one single continuous tissue represents the epidermis tissue
      • covers everything except meristems
    • vascular tissue system
      • xylem transport system (for water and minerals)
      • phloem transport system (for sugars produced by photosynthesis)
      • veins in stem and root
    • ground tissue system
      • a tissue system between the vascular and dermal tissue
      • everything else not in the dermal and vascular tissue system

dermal tissue system

epidermis tissue in primary growth

  • represented as a continuous layer on both above and underground growth
  • does not represent the meristems
  • functions vary on location of epidermis tissue
    • common function: protection against viruses and bacterial infection
    • protects against water loss above ground (waxes)
    • allows permeability for water underground
    • photosynthesis is not a function of epidermis (production of sugars)
  • complex tissue with differences between monocots and eudicots
    • monocot stem: cells are arranged in linear, staggered rows; normal epidermal cells
      • these resemble typical ones drawn from an elodea leaf
      • no air space between monocot cells
    • eudicot stem: puzzle piece, freeform
      • no air space between eudicot cells
      • normal epidermal cells
    • both of the above cells are aboveground normal epidermal cells; only one type
      • both are covered by cuticle layer made from cutin and wax
      • ridged cuticle which prevents water loss
    • another type: guard cells
      • always occur in pairs
      • may be covered with pores
      • 2 guard cells and a pore form a stoma
        • pore allows for gas exchange
      • if no pore exists between guard cells, gas exchange is prohibited
      • guard cells are more elongated in monocots than eudicots, but they perform the same functions
      • guard cells are surrounded by normal epidermal cells
      • only epidermal tissue cell which has chloroplasts
        • make sugars, but are used to control stomata openings
      • much smaller than normal cells
    • another type: trichomes
      • a type of hair for plant cells
      • various appearances and various functions
        • water vessels, hairs, branched hairs, scales, etc.
        • unicellular – papillae, water vesicles, hairs
        • multicellular – hairs, branches, pelltate scales, glands
      • may be much larger than guard and normal, especially if protective
    • another type: glandular cells
      • secrete material, usually a protective material (insect repellent)
      • typically a type of trichome, so these are actually often glandular trichomes
      • flatter, sac-like trichomes
    • another type: subsidiary cells
      • adjacent to guard cells and aid function of guard cells
  • single layer of cells

vascular tissue system

  • vascular bundles surrounded by the ground tissues
  • ring shape around the stem center


  • complex tissue which transports water and minerals
  • three cell types: water-conducting cells, parenchyma, sclerenchyma fibers
  • xylem water-conducting cells last for many years due to secondary cell walls
  • water conducting cells: dead, hollowed-out, elongate cells; thick walls (2* cw), with easy flow through cell for water
    • two types of wcc found in angiosperms, and can be found either in any angiosperms
      • most gymnosperms and non-vascular plants only have tracheids
    • tracheids and vessel elements
    • water mostly moves up the plant (sometimes lateral)
    • begin as live cells; end walls are degraded, removing organelles and primary cell wall
  • tracheids: long, thin cells which taper at the ends
    • several pits across the elongate
    • in tracheids, water zig-zags through the pits of each cell; pit pairs line up to connect between tracheids
    • β€œpit membrane” between the pit pairs: actually the primary cell wall and middle lamella sandwiched and thinned down between the tracheids
    • pit membranes prevent embolisms from traveling through conduits/pits and destroying tracheids like vessels
  • vessel elements
    • stacks form a vessel; a pipe that carries the water; 30-50 stacked, sometimes as small as 2 stacked
    • shorter and wider than tracheids
    • pits found on the lateral walls, the side walls, and the end walls; no tapering
    • end walls have openings/perforations: perforation plate
      • large, flat or slanted opening that goes through all of the wall layers; water enters through the middle
      • perforation plate may have several smaller openings surrounded by wall material, creating possible resistance; grate-like
      • one large hole: simple perforation plate
      • grate: compound perforation plate
    • simple perforation plates are more efficient than compound perforation plate; both are more efficient than tracheids
    • possible to have massive embolisms: vessels are wholly destroyed
  • above found in secondary xylem: lateral meristems and non-elongate, fully mature primary xylem; full complete rigid secondary walls

primary xylem

  • protoxylem and metaxylem
  • both are for immature, elongate cells
  • protoxylem is the earliest xylem found in maturing plants/xylem
    • very stretchable
    • will have rings of secondary cell wall or helices (helix/spiral)
    • when protoxylem stretches, more space between cell wall, but does not rupture
  • metaxylem occurs later
    • network/reticulum of intersecting cell wall as added
    • or complete 2 cell wall with pits and possibly perforations
    • less stretchable; still alive


  • β€œinformation highway”; transfers sugars, rna, and some hormones in any direction across the plant
  • contents are placed under positive pressure; rupture would emit materials
  • complex tissue
    • sieve-tube elements
      • only one sugar-conducting cell type is seen in angiosperms
    • companion cells
    • parenchyma
    • sclerenchyma fibers
  • sieve tube elements
    • alive when functioning even though they have protoplasts
    • no secondary walls; soft, only primary and middle lamella
    • can be damaged; last only 1 year on average
    • have pores: enlarged plasmodesmata
      • used as connections between cells
      • connected/clustered in sieve areas
      • sides of walls/cells
    • very small cells
    • end walls β†’ sieve plates
      • have sieve walls on the end plates
      • flat walls contain simple sieve-plates with a single sieve area
      • slanted walls contain compound sieve-plates with multiple sieve areas
    • 30-40 stacked
    • may look like vessel elements in diagrams
    • stack on top of each other


  • polysaccharide made from glucose (beta 1-3 linkages vs. cellulose and starch)
  • lines the top and bottom of pores; doesnt overlap
  • stains blue, recognizable
  • definitive callose appears at the end of the cell’s life to block off full sieve plate preventing sugar from falling out
  • wound callose eventually becomes definitive


  • only in eudicots
  • p-protein bodies; distinctive bodies in the cytoplasm
  • hydrate to become slime; gooey, hydrated
  • lines side of elements
  • quick response for cell wounds/damage
  • slime plug

modified protoplasm

  • no tonoplast; no central vacuole to impede movement
    • no cytoskeleton, no nucleus, no ribosomes
    • contents of sieve tube elements can go through room in center easily
    • remaining tonoplast lines edges of cells, such as er
    • some mitochondria in cell

companion cells

  • developmentally related to sieve tube elements; elements are paired with companion cells
  • mother cell unequally divides into sieve tube element and a small companion cell sliver cut off from mother cell
  • aids in metabolism; many more mitochondria and ribosomes in companion cells to aid
  • especially helps put sugars into sieve tube elements: β€œphloem loading”
  • soft tissue, easily damaged

ground tissue system

  • everything inside and around the vascular tissue system
  • center region of stem: β€œpith” region
  • outer region between epidermis and vascular ring: β€œcortex” region
  • intervals in vascular region: β€œpith ray” region
  • ground tissue system is in these regions and others
  • involves 3 simple tissues

parenchyma tissue

  • singular cell type: parenchyma cells
  • ubiquitous with the exception of the epidermis
  • most common tissue in a plant
  • all cells in parenchyma are alive
  • majority of parenchyma cells are isodiametric: cubical in nature, but not necessarily square
    • some are elongated/long and thin, but not all
  • only the primary cell wall and the middle lamella are present in parenchyma tissues
    • thin cell wall
  • primarily functions for photosynthesis (found in leaves) or metabolism ie cell respiration (roots), storage, contributing to growth, reversion to meristematic state
    • meristematic state: begins dividing again in order to repair wounds
  • air space between parenchyma cells; 25 um
    • necessary for gas exchange
  • no chloroplasts; too deep within the leaf to pick up light


  • found at the edges/periphery of organs; closer to but not necessarily next to the epidermis
  • found in bundles and layers
  • all cells in collenchyma are alive
  • collenchyma cells elongate over maturity
  • only the primary cell wall and the middle lamella are present in collenchyma tissues
    • lots of pectin in the cell wall; may make it look glossy
    • some regions of the cell wall are thick, and some are thin; irregularly thickened
    • distinctive irregularity
      • thick cell walls support the collenchyma
  • functions primarily to support growing regions; elongates/stretches as the organ grows and stretches
    • not a lot of support, but is some support
  • known as the collenchyma strands found in celery strings


  • found in many locations; its main locations vary
  • all cells in sclerenchyma are dead at maturity
  • 2 different cell shapes with specific names
    • fibers: long and thin; very small, empty lumen surrounded by a thick cell wall; like a very bad straw/tube
      • majority is secondary cell wall filled in, with a thin primary cell wall
    • sclereids: various shapes as long as not long and thin; star-shaped, spherical, etc.
      • also have a small lumen and thick cell walls
      • shapes may be for protection (hurt to bite down on star-shaped)
    • cells have secondary cell walls, primary cell walls, and middle lamella - lignin present; makes cells rigid and adds support - regular, even thickness of cell walls

other notes

  • transfer cells: a variation of parenchyma
    • cell walls protrude in projections; cell membrane increases, so ability to transport increases
  • stone cells: a variation of sclereid schlerenchyma cells
    • roughly spherical; sclerified secondary cell walls feel stone-like, gritty (seen in pears)
    • 5 um


  • totipotency: all well; one cell, if treated via tissue culture, would be able to divide and form a full organism
    • with parenchyma; could be done with collenchyma but would have to remove wall
    • vs. stem cells
    • genes for all different plant cells are present in the parenchyma cell
  • three overlapping processes; hard to distinguish
    • growth: an increase in size
      • cell division: mitosis β†’ more cells β†’ enlarge
      • cell enlargement: huge process in plants vs animals; plants have a central vacuole that makes it easier to enlarge by absorbing water vs. making large amounts of cytoplasm
    • morphogenesis
      • generating a form
      • used to believe was mostly due to the plane of cell division’ anticlinal (perpendicular) cell division or periclinal (parallel)
        • is important specifically when an uneven/asymmetrical division occurs
        • is important when generating plant polarity
        • is important in first zygotic cell division (plant polarity)
      • cell enlargement; enlarge parallel to organ
    • cell differentiation
      • specialization
      • compare to animal cells; animal cells have cell lineages and develop into specific cells based on their precursor; plants develop based on relative position to the rest of the plant (and thus the hormones adjacent to it in the plant)
      • β€œpattern formation”
      • differential gene expression
  • meristem cells are known as initials
    • in first division, the plane matters; it forms an initial and derivative
    • in second division, plane is hopefully the same; one initial, three derivatives
    • meristems are not fully meristematic; as derivative cells divide, they lose the ability to divide and become progressively more differentiated; vs. the initial cell
      • some cells may divide longer than others; gradual process
    • three primary meristems for each tissue system
      • protoderm: surface level meristem; used for dermal tissue system
      • procambium: strands found inside the stem; vascular tissue system
      • ground meristem: ground tissue system
  • phase change: juvenile leaves differ from adult leaves
    • flowers: flowers are modified determinate leaves
  • current hypothesis of flower phase change; switching from vegetative growth to flowering growth
    • the meristem must change from a vegetative meristem to a floral meristem
      • meristem identity genes produce transcription factors which change identity of meristem
    • abc hypothesis
      • sepal > petal > stamen > carpel
      • three sets of genes: a, b, c genes
      • each set of genes is active in two roles/worlds
        • a: sepal and petal
        • b: petal and stamen
        • c: stamen and carpel
      • the activity of genes and mutations in these genes affects what parts of the flowers are produced
        • cultivated vs wild rose gene activity


photorespiratory processes

  • standard photosynthesis occurs in C3 plants: first product of carbon fixation is a 3 carbon molecule
  • in xeric environments, first product of carbon fixation is a 4 carbon molecule, disrupting calvin cycle
    • c4 plants
    • cam plants
  • both c4 and cam have pep carboxylase (phophoenolpyruvate) which can only add co2 to pep; forms oxaloacetate (4c)
  • in non-hot temperatures, c3 plant does better
  • in darker/less intense light intensities, c3 plant does better
  • photorespiration occurs due to buildup of o2 while stomata is closed to prevent dehydration/death from remaining open in xeric environments
    • rubp will catalyze with both co2 and o2; o2 will create one 3-phophoglycerate and one 2-phosphoglycolate which is broken down and released as co2

calvin cycle

  • 400 to 500g h2o per gram of co2 for c3
    • poor efficiency; tend to be in areas where water is abundant
    • high use of co2
  • light reaction: absorbs light, and water is split for electrons in electron transport chain; photosystems produce oxygen (o2) and atp and nadph in stroma
  • calvin cycle
    • RuBisco catalyzes carbon fixation
      • ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase
      • slow and large enzyme; common; huge amount of protein
    • 3Rubp β†’ (3CO2) β†’ 6PGA
      • 3 rubp: ribulose bisphosphate
      • 3 co2 is fixated to 3rubp; forms unstable carbon molecules which form 6 3cs (3-phosphoglycerate/3pga)
      • fixation: adding inorganic carbon to organic molecule
      • PGA: 3C with a COOH, OH, CH2OP group
    • 6PGA β†’ (6ATP) (6NADPH) β†’ 6G3P
      • G3P: Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
        • COH group instead of COOH
      • reduction; energy from sunlight added; G3P is the sugar createed
      • 1 g3p siphoned off for sugar production, starch, etc.
    • 5G3P β†’ (3ATP) β†’ 3RuBP
      • regenerate RuBP

c4 plants

  • sugarcane, bermuda grass, zea mays, amaranthus, purslane
  • evolved at least 45 times and in 19 different families (3 monocot, 16 eudicot)
  • kranz anatomy: β€œwreath”; enlarged bundle sheath cells around the vein; puffy looking; altered chloroplast; and mesophyll cells are wrapped around bundle sheath
    • initial carbon fixation occurs in the mesophyll cells
    • calvin cycle occurs in the bundle sheath cells
    • the processes are separated across location/spatially separate
  • mesophyll chloroplasts have large amounts of thylakoids (light reactions) and linear + cyclic electric flow β†’ high oxygen flow; no rubisco
  • bundle sheath cell chloroplasts have low oxygen/airspace, have rubisco, and don’t have many thylakoids; thylakoids only have cyclic electric flow, so no rubisco made
  • in mesophyll: co2 is picked up with pep carboxylase enzyme β†’ catalyzes addition to produce oxaloacetate 4c β†’ converts into other 4cs (aspartate, malate)
  • in bundle: move to bundle, break off co2, and produce carbon cycle; co2 breakage forms pyruvate
  • move back to mesophyll: pyruvate is converted with atp to form phosphoenol pyruvate
  • uses more atp via this process
  • uses 250-300g h2o per gram of co2

cam plants

  • initial carbon fixation occurs at night; calvin cycle occurs at day
  • agave, orchids, pineapples cacti and succulents; stonecrop, crassulaceae, kalanchoe
    • orchids and agaves β€” monocots
    • very hot and dry environments; xeric
      • opening stomata would dehydrate/kill
  • Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
    • named after crassulaceae family (stonecrop/kalanchoe lilies)
    • stomata only open at night to collect co2; gas exchange
    • pep carboxylase in cytosol catalyzes co2 to pep forming 4c oxaloacetate
    • converts to malic acid and stored in central vacuole; accumulated overnight
      • sour in morning; high acidity
    • stomata close in day
    • malic acid is taken out of vacuole, co2 broken off and produces calvin cycle sugars
      • light rxns only in day
    • pyruvate forms; use atp to convert into phosphoenol pyruvate
  • uses 50-100g h2o per gram of co2

sun vs. shade leaves in c3

  • phenotypic plasticity
  • how much sun is in location where leaf develops
  • thicker leaf is in sun, thinner in shade; even if they have same volume


  • primarily for anchoring and absorbing minerals
    • modified sometimes
      • storage (carrot taproots, manioc, sweet potato)
      • prop roots (corn) hold plant up
      • buttress roots
      • strangler fig roots; dispersed roots growing and sending roots down, surround main tree
      • pneumatophores: living cells, gas exchange (black mangroves)
      • aerial roots/epiphytic: epiphytic orchids; upwards/canopy roots
  • anatomy of primary growth
    • root cap protecting the apical meristem; produced by the apical meristem
      • sheds over time/sloughs off
      • makes mucigel: hydrated polysaccharide; slimy; secretes into soil; creates a region of soil next to the root different from that further away β€” rhizosphere (rhizome)
        • different bacteria, microbes
      • cell division zone
        • quiescent zone in apical meristem
        • generates pattern; contributes cells to rest of root, but very slowly (~15 days)
      • cell elongation zone
      • cell maturation zone
        • root hair: extension of one epidermal cell
          • increases surface area for absorption
          • 70-90% of actual absorption
          • temporary; only lasts ~1 week and more root hairs are produced
          • root hairs necessary for specialization, but also because only place for root hair safely; avoids elongating cells destroying root; higher up is at branch roots
  • root has primary structures/tissues
    • epidermis with a thin or no cuticle, root hairs, and no stomata
    • large, thick cortex
      • standard normal parenchyma cells but also endodermis length
      • both part of cortex
      • ground meristems
    • vascular cinder/stele
      • procambium
      • vascular tissue
  • endodermis
    • screens what passes into the vascular cylinder/tissue
    • thickened/transverse/stained walls:
    • no air space between endodermis
    • casparian strip
      • suberin: waterproof, lipid, fat
      • could also be lignin (phenolic)
      • anticlinal walls (perpendicular) fully permeated by casparian strip
      • binds to cell membrane
      • forces solutions to cross cell membrane to regulate vascular tissue
    • passage cells
  • different routes through endodermis
    • apoplastic route: materials enter through cell wall and spaces in cell wall
    • symplastic: materials travel across membrane early and go through cytosol through cells
    • transmembrane: across cytosol and membrane of cells
  • vascular cylinder in eudicots
    • pericycle: one layer of cells; parenchyma cells
      • lateral roots originate in pericycle while meristematic and bridging out
      • secondary growth
    • move into primary phloem (outside) and primary xylem (inside)
      • has protoxylem and metaxylem
        • protoxylem: poles that radiate outward
        • metaxylem: everything else inside
        • number of protoxylem poles varies; 2 minimum; 2–~6
          • can change over time/developmentally
    • single layer of residual procambium between phloem and xylem if secondary growth is possible
  • vascular cylinder in monocots
    • central pith; monocot stems don’t have a pith but roots do, vice versa on eudicots; pith instead of central metaxylem
    • primary xylem surrounds pith in uneven rows/poles
    • many protoxylem poles
    • metaxylem around pith
    • patches of primary phloem outside
    • one layer of pericycle
  • basic function diagram
    • vertical transport, storage, connection to lateral roots
    • absorption
    • growth
    • tip of root
  • fungi mutualism and bacteria nodules