Notes and Markdown

Preliminary Notes


  • Basically every line of dialogue by or related to Ken Amada and his storyline is in this document. The script is based on the one used in Persona 3 Reload, which is a reworked translation of the dialogue in Persona 3 Portable that includes several additions. Any dialogue sections outside of the Calendar Dialogue and Story Events which are not initiated by talking to Ken is given context to where it originated from.

    • I’ve chosen to transcribe Ken’s lines in full because of the alterations made in Reload. It’s enough that the differences are noticeable between Reload and Portable, so I figured it would be worth doing regardless.
  • This page is based on the English localization of the script.

  • Small edits have been made to the transcript which refer to choices made in the English voice acting (such as gasps or stutters). For the most part, the transcription is wholly 1:1 with that which is used in the dialogue boxes.

  • Following the decisions made by the English localization, Japanese honorifics and terms such as senpai have been left in.

  • In voiced lines where Ken addresses the player by name, he will almost always refer to them as senpai. This page uses the default name offered for the protagonist in-game as a placeholder, Makoto Yuki. Whenever a voiced line uses a different term, the placeholder name is italicized, with parentheses following with the term used in the line or no parenthetical term when the protagonist is not referred to at all.

  • Some calendar dialogue will repeat for several days; this page only lists the first day they can occur.

  • “Ellie, why the hell would you do this?” Ken’s meant so much to me since I was 12 and it’s been years and he means so much to me now. Also, it’s really fun to do transcriptions and look at version differences!

Have I made a typo or left something out? Leave an ask on Tumblr and I’ll get back to you! All help is greatly appreciated.

Combat Gameplay



  • Ziodyne: 14 SP: Electric: Deals heavy Electric damage to 1 foe. Low chance of inflicting Shock.
  • Dekaja: 10 SP : Nullify stat buffs for all foes.
  • Kougaon: 15 SP: Light: Deals heavy Light damage to 1 foe.
  • Makougaon: 25 SP: Light: Deals heavy Light damage to all foes.
  • Heat Riser: 36 SP: Increases 1 ally’s Attack, Defense, and Accuracy/Evasion rates for 3 turns.
  • Tetrakarn: 24 SP: Erect a barrier for 1 ally that repels 1 physical attack.
  • Makarakarn:
  • Light Amp:

8/28, Dark Hour;


Upon going to Tartarus for the first time after Ken joins SEES, after Koromaru’s introduction (if this is also the first time with Koromaru)

Ken Amada: Um, excuse me.
Ken Amada: Will you please add me as a member in today’s search party?
Ken Amada: I want to participate in lots of battles and get used to handling my Persona.

Dialogue Options:

Standard Combat Lines

Entering Combat

S.E.E.S. Advantage!No AdvantageShadows Advantage!
Alright… bring it on!Heh. Caught them off-guard.…! Brace yourselves!
Time for battle.Yes! We have the upper hand!
We won’t hold back!Yes! Let’s make the first move!

Idling as Ken

Idling as Ken
Feel pretty good!
I’m surging with power!
Ready for some Theurgy!
This’ll be good!


Standard AttackCritical AttackMissed Attack
Hyah!Take that! You like that?!Huh…?!
Take this!There! Die!
There! Hold still!
Think fast!


I have to do… what must be done. I have to! Lend me your strength, Nemesis!

Considering PersonaSummoning NemesisSummoning Kala-NemiDivine RetributionDivine Intervention
And, now…I need your help, Nemesis!Let’s go! Kala-Nemi!It’s my turn!
Pillars of light… rain down on them!
I’ve decided… I won’t let anyone else die!
I’ll end this.Just watch.Help us! Kala-Nemi!Now’s my chance!
Try catching this!
Keep it together.Nemesis!This is it!My spear’s ready!
Eat this!
My Persona’s ready!Now!Here I come!
Will this work?

Enemy Killed

Ken DodgesEnemy DodgesEnemy KilledLast Enemy KilledLeveling Up
Too predictable!They’re fast!There’s two left!All right, onto the next!All right! A new move!
Way too slow!No way!(?) Now he’s focused now! (i don’t think this is right.)I won’t lose.Haha! Guess I’m growing up fast!
Whoops!Okay, next one!

Receiving Damage

DamagedDamaged (Low HP)WeaknessInflicted withStatus Effects
Ah…!No mercy, huh…No way!Distress: Wh… what’s happening?!
Augh!Fear: Why do I feel like this…?!Paralyzed by Fear:
W-wh-wh–who says I’m scared?!
Gh…Shock: It’s too much!
Looks bad…
Oh no! I’m hit!
Uh oh…
Recovering from WeaknessHealing Others (with Item)Healing Self (with Item)Healed by Others
Now it’s my turn!!(Low HP) Good thing we brought this…!That helped!
Thank goodness!
You’re the best!

Party Shift

Shift from KenTo Protagonist
Go in my place!Leader, it’s all yours!
Switch with me!Let’s do it!

Unique Lines

Shift from ProtagonistFrom AkihikoFrom Koromaru
Good choice!( You got this, Amada? / Do you mind? )
Let’s change it up!
( ARF ARF! )
I hear you, Koromaru!
I’ll do my best!( Do it. / It’s all you! / You got this, Amada? )
Okay! I can do it!
I’m ready!

All-Out Attack

Ken InitiatesFrom Yukari Takeba
It’s time to go all out!Amada-kun, you did it!
Now’s our chance! Let’s do this!
Yes! Let’s get them, everyone!
[???] All together, now!
Protagonist InitiatesYukari InitiatesAkihiko InitiatesAigis Initiates
That was awesome!That’s it, Yukari-san!Nice one, Sanada-senpai!You really let him have it!
AcceptingDuringFinishingEnd of All-Out Attack
Alright!Die, die, die!Let’s end this!I hope that helped a little…!
Let’s finish this!Fight!Everyone, together!This is how we do it!
HYAAHHH!!!How do you like that?!*Playful laughing* … It’s all over!
Just a little…!!! Well… that’s how we do it!
Why, you little… Stop struggling!Not too bad, right?
Justice always wins!

Tartarus Conversations

Solo Dialogue

Finding ShadowsChestsMissing PersonsStairsTeleporters
It’s an enemy. Do we attack?There’s a treasure chest over there!Isn’t that a missing person? We’ve gotta help!We’ve found the stairs!That teleporter can take us back to the entrance, but I can keep going!
…Look, there’s a shadow!I bet we’ll find something good in there. Let’s open it up!
(Rage Shadow) That one looks really strong…
(Rage Shadow) Looks like that one will be tough to beat!
Entering Next FloorExiting a Fight
I think we’re starting to get somewhere!We did it!
Okay! Let’s make some progress!All right, now back to exploring!
Whew… okay, time to move on!Nice! That went well!
I’m always happy to team up with everyone!
Whew… guess it’s time to move on.
Just when am I going to grow taller…?
(cleared one floor) Hehe, kinda feels like a big accomplishment. Let’s keep it up for the next floor too.

(scout) Leave it to me! There’s no way those Shadows will find me!

(reaper) That doesn’t sound good… We better get out of here!

let the battle begin! i’m ready to go.

(I’ve got this!) Come on, bring it! I’ll take you on! (alright!) it looks strong… we can do this!

i’m ready! let’s take it down! here it comes! let’s take it down!

According to Fuuka-san, there are still a lot of Gatekeepers before we reach the top. But we’ll make it for sure. Let’s all keep doing our best!

I wonder what he would say at a time like this… *whine*

Group Conversations

More Information

Group conversations can activate even if not all characters necessary for the conversation are present in the party; the conversation will stop when a character is unavailable. This is going to be a nightmare to complete.

Akihiko Sanada: Reminds me of the days we used to fight back-to-back.
Shinjiro Aragaki: Hmph… Could you stop dredging up the past? It’s distracting.
Ken Amada: … …

Ken Amada: I might be a kid, but I’ll catch up to all of you in no time.
Koromaru: Arf, arf!
Ken Amada: I think Koromaru’s saying he feels the same way.
Ken Amada: Let’s get stronger together, Koromaru!

Ken Amada: Is everyone getting enough sleep…? Oh, I’m fine though—just asking.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Hehe, that’s good to hear. Just don’t push yourself too hard, okay?

Just when am I going to grow taller…?

I really like this armband. I like it a lot.

Gatekeeper Conversations

Dorm Activities

More Information

Ken will only be regularly available to cook and watch DVDs with the protagonist. He will only be available after joining SEES. He will be unavailable for gardening, but a gardening event with Shinjiro Aragaki is transcribed here due to relevance. Events with other characters where he is also present, such as walking Koromaru and studying for school, are also transcribed here.

Watching DVDs

More Information

Ken will be available to cook with the protagonist on Fridays from September 4th onwards.

First Event;

Next to the television on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: I just rented a DVD. It’s a foreign film about a hardboiled detective.
Ken Amada: I have a little free time right now, so…

Watching a detective movie with Amada might help me gain more 🌟 Courage…

Ken Amada: If you’re free right now, do you want to watch it with me?

Second Event;

Third Event;


More Information

Ken will be available to cook with the protagonist on Sundays from September 6th onwards. You will not be available on September 20th, but it seems like he will be available on September 27th (?), so his cooking event storyline can be finished before the full moon.

First Event;

At the kitchen island, on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: I know this kinda came out of nowhere, but… um, would you like some coffee right now?
Ken Amada: Not the instant stuff, but with properly ground beans and all that.
Ken Amada: I saw someone prepare coffee on a show, and I wanted to try doing it myself…

Amada asked me to join him for coffee…
Should I spend the evening with him?

Ken Amada: Yuki-san, if you don’t mind, could you maybe be my taste-tester?

Second Event;

At the kitchen island, on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: I studied up a little on coffee beans.
Ken Amada: I wanted to test some things out. Do you have some free time right now?

Amada asked me to join him for coffee…
Should I spend the evening with him?

Ken Amada: I promise I’ll brew it correctly this time.


More Information

Ken will be unavailable to garden with the protagonist. The following transcript is of the third gardening event with Shinjiro Aragaki, which can occur in the latter half of September, before October 4th.

By the stairs to the second floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Tending to the rooftop planters might help improve the quality of the produce…
Aragaki might gain a new ability soon…

Shinjiro Aragaki: You’re comin’ too, aren’t ya?

Not now


Walking Koromaru

10/10, Evening;

On the hallway carpet of the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Koromaru: Arf!

Koromaru is looking at me with pleading eyes…
He seems to want to go for a walk…
Ken can come along for a walk with us tonight.

10/31, Evening;

On the hallway carpet of the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Koromaru: Arf!

Koromaru is looking at me with pleading eyes…
He seems to want to go for a walk…
Ken can come along for a walk with us tonight.

Calendar Dialogue

07/26, Evening;

This dialogue occurs upon arrival at Iwatodai Dormitory.

Ken Amada: Oh, hello!
Ken Amada: Come to think of it, have you heard about Be Blue V?
Ken Amada: It’s this shop in Paulownia Mall, but there’s a rumor you can talk to spirits there!
Ken Amada: Sounds a little sketchy, huh? I wonder what kind of shop it is…

Reading a women’s fashion magazine at the dining table on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Aigis-san is a robot, right?
Ken Amada: You really can’t tell whenever she wears normal clothes like we do.
Ken Amada: The Kirijo Group must be super powerful to have invented a robot like her.

07/31, Evening;

Reading a women’s fashion magazine at the dining table on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: You all stay up so late.
Ken Amada: I try to stay up as late as you guys, but I’m always the first one to fall asleep.
Ken Amada: What do you guys do so late at night?

Dialogue Options:

08/30, Evening;

This dialogue occurs upon arrival at Iwatodai Dormitory.

Ken Amada: Oh, hello!
Ken Amada: It looks like there’ve been more of them lately… You call them “the Lost,” right?
Ken Amada: I don’t mean to be rash, but… I’d like to put my power to good use.

On the couch near the wall on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Mitsuru Kirijo: He seems very determined… Normally, I would think he would be a great addition to SEES.
Mitsuru Kirijo: His age worries me, though…
Mitsuru Kirijo: We will need to keep a close eye on him.

On the couch near the carpet on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Fuuka Yamagishi: Sanada-senpai has been acting a little strange lately, don’t you think?
Fuuka Yamagishi: Maybe it’s difficult for him to watch Amada-kun put himself in danger…
Fuuka Yamagishi: Despite appearances, I think that, deep down inside, Sanada-senpai is actually a really kind person…

At the dining table on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Now that I’ve officially joined and learned what’s really going on…
Ken Amada: It’s changed my perspective. This is a job only we can do.

08/31, Daytime;

On the couch near the wall on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Um… Today’s the last day of summer vacation, right?
Ken Amada: Well, since it is…
Ken Amada: …I was wondering if you had any plans today.
Ken Amada: I-I just wanted to ask. No reason…
Ken Amada: … …

It seems like Amada wants to say something…

08/31, Evening;

On the couch near the carpet on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Aigis: Amada-san is small, so he uses a spear with a long reach.
Aigis: This enables him to compensate for his small stature and fight bigger enemies.
Aigis: Indeed, a spear is the perfect weapon for Amada-san.

On the couch near the wall on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: School starts up again tomorrow…
Ken Amada: Has Junpei-san caught up on his homework? Doesn’t he seem to be spacing out more often?
Ken Amada: Oh, my homework’s all done, of course.
Ken Amada: I knocked it all out in July. That’s just par for the course.

09/01, Evening;

Ken Amada: When Aigis-san wears a school uniform, she looks just like your average high school student.

09/02, Evening;

On the seat near the door on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Junpei Iori: Aragaki-san kicks ass, man! I’m never gonna forget what he did for us back at the alley.
Junpei Iori: With him back on the team, ain’t nothin’ gonna take us down!

On the couch near the carpet on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Yukari Takeba: Aragaki-senpai’s the guy who helped us out at that place, isn’t he?
Yukari Takeba: And he used to be with SEES, huh? So we’ll be fighting with him from now on…
Yukari Takeba: Oh, I didn’t mean to sound like I have a problem with that. I know he’s a good guy deep down.

On the couch near the carpet and television on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Fuuka Yamagishi: Aragaki-senpai seems scary, but I think he’s just misunderstood…
Fuuka Yamagishi: I doubt that he’s a bad guy… I mean, he used to fight alongside Sanada-senpai and Kirijo-senpai.

At the kitchen island on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Aragaki-san seems very strong.
Ken Amada: But do you think he’s trustworthy? I mean, he was hanging out at that kind of place…
Ken Amada: I just find it hard to trust people like him right off the bat…

09/03, Evening;

On the couch near the wall on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Did something happen between Yukari-san, Junpei-san, and Aragaki-san?
Ken Amada: They all seem to trust each other…
Ken Amada: I guess the two of them think Aragaki-san is a good person.

09/05, Dark Hour;

Shinjiro Aragaki: So this is one of those huge Shadows, huh. Well, not like it changes what we usually do…
Ken Amada: I’ll help, too…

09/07, Evening;

At the kitchen island on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Mitsuru-san and Sanada-san are both still at the hospital.
Ken Amada: Their questioning of Chidori must not be going well…

09/08, Evening;

This dialogue occurs upon arrival at Iwatodai Dormitory.

Fuuka Yamagishi: Hi, how was your day?
Fuuka Yamagishi: So, um… you’ve probably already seen the message I sent, but I have a favor to ask you.
Fuuka Yamagishi: It’s about Amada-kun…
Fuuka Yamagishi: This is just a hunch, but I think he’s been feeling kinda down lately.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Could you check in on him when you have the time? He should be in his room.

✉ Fuuka Yamagishi

Fuuka seems worried about Amada…
Should I check in on him?

09/10, Evening;

On the couch near the wall on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Why isn’t anyone going to the hospital today?
Ken Amada: Did they finish questioning her already? Chidori, right?

09/11, Early Morning;

At the front gate of Gekkoukan High School:

Yukari Takeba: Morning, Yuki-kun.
Yukari Takeba: So… there’s something bothering me lately.
Yukari Takeba: Why did Aragaki-senpai suddenly decide to come back?

I’m not sure. / He’s an indomitable force.

Yukari Takeba: Yeah. I mean, he looks scary, but…
Yukari Takeba: He doesn’t look like the type who’d rejoin just ‘cause he likes to fight.

09/12, Evening;

On the seat near the door on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Junpei Iori: Have you ever thought about what you’re living for?

09/14, Evening;

At the kitchen island on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: Koromaru always seems to be having fun, doesn’t he?
Ken Amada: He gets so excited over a meal or a walk…
Ken Amada: I wish my life was that simple.

09/16, Evening;

✉ Mitsuru Kirijo

Mitsuru seems worried about Amada…
Should I check in on him?

09/18, Evening;

Fuuka Yamagishi: According to the news, a typhoon just hit.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Apparently, it’s the biggest one on record. It’s moving slowly, too, so it’ll be gloomy for a while…
Junpei Iori: Yeah, thanks to that, the school festival got canned.
Junpei Iori: Welp, less work for us in the end, I guess.
Junpei Iori: Still sucks that we’ll be stuck indoors for vacation though… …
Junpei Iori: So, what’cha gonna do over break?


Fuuka Yamagishi: Um… Oh! Amada-kun, what are your plans over the break?
Ken Amada: Oh, I’m not really doing anything in particular…
Junpei Iori: Come on, you gotta be doing something.
Ken Amada: Oh, I’ll probably go visit the shrine.
Junpei Iori: Dude, you’re a kid, not an old man.
Ken Amada: I always go to pray, though.
Ken Amada: I guess you could say I have a wish I want granted.
Shinjiro Aragaki: … …
Ken Amada: Anyway, I’m going back to my room. I’ve got a lot of homework to do.
Junpei Iori: Oh, okay. Just holler if you get stuck, yeah?
Akihiko Sanada: … …
Shinjiro Aragaki: … …

Shinjiro Aragaki: A wish, huh…
Shinjiro Aragaki: Tch, why can’t he just act like a normal kid…?

09/24, Evening;

This dialogue occurs upon arrival at Iwatodai Dormitory.

Ken Amada: Oh, hello!
Ken Amada: Oh, Yuki-san. Any plans to go to Tartarus tonight?
Ken Amada: I want to get stronger… since there have been even more incidents and all.
Ken Amada: We can go whenever you’re free. Just please take me with you if you’re going to Tartarus?

By the couches on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: I think I’ll head to my room in a bit…
Ken Amada: Oh, don’t mind me. I’m usually like this.
Ken Amada: … …

09/29, Evening;

✉ Ken Amada

10/01, Evening;

At the dining table on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: It’s about time for a full moon… Are you ready?

10/11, Evening;


Ken Amada: If I keep living in the past, I’ll never be able to move forward.

10/17, Evening;

(missing) (midterms convo) Are they difficult? Yes, they are. Not really. They’re pure torture.

10/19, Evening;

(missing) (on entry) I’ll be fighting for him, too…!

10/21, Evening;

(missing)(second floor table) You too, Koromaru? But… you can sleep any time you want, can’t you? I’ll be sure to tell my mother and Aragaki-san about it, but… I guess I wanna learn what it’s like to be an ordinary elementary school student.

10/26, Evening;

(missing) (on the couch near the wall, eating chips) I want my mom and Aragaki-san to be proud of me.

10/28, Evening;

(missing) (on the couch near the wall, eating chips) No matter how much you prepare for something, doing it for real is always a little nervewracking, isn’t it? How about you, Yuki-san? Do you feel nervous in the slightest? (options missing) You’re amazing… No wonder you’re the leader. I can’t help but feel uneasy whenever I think about the Dark Hour disappearing…

strega might be planning something but that doesn’t matter because i’ll never forget what they did

this is it… i’m going to fight for my mom and aragaki-san.

this isn’t about revenge. this is about doing what needs to be done.

11/03, Dark Hour;

(party, strega) I can do it. What are you going to do?

(party, hanged man) We have to put a stop to this… I can go whenever you’re ready.

11/05, Evening;

Next to the television on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: What in the world was Ikutsuki-san plotting? He went on about “resurrection” and “sacrifices”…
Ken Amada: But he kicked the bucket before explaining the most important part.
Ken Amada: I never thought he would be such an irresponsible adult.

11/06, Evening;

Oh, hello, Yuki-san. Isn’t that the prize you can win in a raffle? You enter by buying packs of Gummy Gum. Why would you want one? You’re already in high school… Well, I do have one… > Featherman R Figure x1 I-I’m not into it or anything! I just happen to have extra raffle tickets. Um… I actually have a dupe of the same color, so you can have it. But… please take good care of it. But, wow… I didn’t know you liked Phoenix Ranger Featherman R. M-maybe we could watch it together sometime…?

11/08, Daytime;

On the couch near the wall on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: I wonder if Mitsuru-san’s okay…
Ken Amada: She can’t seem to rely on any adults.
Ken Amada: I suppose adults are… less reliable than I thought.

11/11, Evening;

At the kitchen island, on the first floor of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Ken Amada: I lost a parent, so I know how Mitsuru-san feels.
Ken Amada: [missing dialogue]
Ken Amada: I still remember how I shut myself away from the rest of the world.

11/13, Evening;

This dialogue occurs upon arrival at Iwatodai Dormitory.

Ken Amada: Oh, hello!
Ken Amada: Um… Is it just me, or does Junpei-san seem unhappy about something?
Ken Amada: He’s been mumbling under his breath for the longest time… Do you think it’s about Chidori-san?
Ken Amada: Well, it’s probably best to leave him be until we know what’s on his mind, right?

Linked Episodes

More Information

Ken’s linked episodes begin as early as September 8th and continue into the end of the game. All are limited-time events that may be missed if time expires. All five episodes need to be completed in sequence; if one is not completed, the final gift and Persona fusion from Ken’s linked episodes will be unavailable for that playthrough. All episodes are different from social links in that it does not matter what choices are picked in the events in order to complete them successfully; they simply must be done. Choosing a “negative” option (such as ordering kid’s ramen for Ken) will not fail the episode.

09/08, Evening;

09/15, Evening;

This linked event can happen on either September 15th or September 16th.

09/24, Evening;

This is an excerpt from one of Shinjiro Aragaki’s linked events, occurring in the same ramen shop that Ken’s does on September 8th.

10/09, Evening;

This is an excerpt from one of Akihiko Sanada’s linked events which occurs in Iwatodai Dormitory.

✉ Akihiko Sanada

Akihiko Sanada: Would you mind getting everyone else? And don’t forget Amada.


Akihiko Sanada: I realized I’d just been running away all this time, making excuses about having my own problems.

11/10, Evening;

Keep it up. I will. I’ve done enough thinking. Now I just want to try doing all kinds of new things. I think I have an idea of how to live my life again.

Is that how you efel? Yeah. I can’t explain it very well, but… I feel like you can see the real me.

Story Events

07/18, After School;

Outside of the entrance to Gekkoukan High:

Junpei runs ahead of Yukari, Fuuka, and the protagonist, as well as Akihiko. He will raise his fist in the air as he speaks

Junpei Iori: Woohooo!
Junpei Iori: Freedom at last! What should I do now?
Akihiko Sanada: Take it down a notch, will you?
Fuuka Yamagishi: You bounce back from things so quickly, Junpei-kun.
Junpei Iori: Oh hey, Sanada-san’s here. Don’t see that every day.
Akihiko Sanada: Ikutsuki-san called me.
Akihiko Sanada: I think he wants to talk about a new candidate.
Yukari Takeba: Does that mean another person is going to join?
Akihiko Sanada: Maybe.
Natsuki Moriyama: Fuuka!

Natsuki runs on-screen and bows to the group.

Fuuka Yamagishi: What’s wrong, Natsuki-chan?
Natsuki Moriyama: Do you think you can stay after school with me for a mandatory study session? There’s like, no one—
Natsuki Moriyama: Oh, wait. Are you about to head out for the day?
Natsuki Moriyama: Okay, then never mind.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Wait!
Fuuka Yamagishi: It’s all right. I’ll help you.
Fuuka Yamagishi: Sorry. I’ll see you all back at the dorm later.

Fuuka walks off-screen with Natsuki while talking.

Junpei Iori: I’m really surprised at how much she’s changed.
Ikutsuki’s Voice: Ah, friendship. How beautiful!
Ikutsuki’s Voice: Adolescence is such a wonderful thing. So full of vibrancy!

The camera turns towards the gate of Gekkoukan High. Ikutsuki walks on screen with a child in a school shirt, an orange vest, shorts, and sneakers. [?] A question mark appears over Yukari’s head.

Yukari Takeba: Mr. Chairman?
Shuji Ikutsuki: Oh, hello. I just stopped by to pick someone up.
Shuji Ikutsuki: I might as well introduce you to him now.

[!] An exclamation mark appears over Akihiko’s head.

Akihiko Sanada: Hm?
Elementary School Student: Hello.
Yukari Takeba: Oh, Amada-kun. What’re you doing here?
Akihiko Sanada: You know him?
Shuji Ikutsuki: He doesn’t leave during the break because of his… circumstances.
Yukari Takeba: Oh, I heard about that.
Yukari Takeba: Something about your parents, right?

Ken folds his arms over his chest and looks around at the group, before letting them fall to his sides.

Ken Amada: It used to be only me and my mom, but she got in an accident. So now it’s just me.
Ken Amada: It happened two years ago.
Shuji Ikutsuki: Right now, one of his distant relatives is paying for his school expenses.
Shuji Ikutsuki: But that doesn’t mean he should stay at the elementary school dorm all by himself, right?
Shuji Ikutsuki: So I decided to move him to your dorm, just for the summer.

[!?] An exclamation and question mark appear over Yukari’s head.

Yukari Takeba: T… To OUR dorm!? Do you really think that’s a good idea?
Shuji Ikutsuki: Why, of course. He has the potential.
Akihiko Sanada: Then he’s the new candidate?
Shuji Ikutsuki: That’s right.
Shuji Ikutsuki: But as you can see, he’s still just an elementary school student. So, it’s only a possibility for now.
Akihiko Sanada: … …

Ken’s hand reaches up to his chin hesitantly.

Ken Amada: Are you… Akihiko Sanada-senpai?
Akihiko Sanada: Uh, yeah.

Ken raises his fist in the air.

Ken Amada: I’ve heard a lot about you. You’ve never lost a boxing match!
Ken Amada: Nice to meet you!
Akihiko Sanada: Um, yeah, nice to meet you.
Akihiko Sanada: … …

08/24, Daytime;

In front of Hagakure Ramen at Paulownia Mall:

🤬 Shinjiro will walk out of Hagakure Ramen scratching the back of his head. A grawlix will appear next to his head.

Shinjiro Aragaki: Gh… You just don’t know when to give up, do ya?
Akihiko Sanada: I’ll come back as many times as I need to. I don’t give up that easy.
Shinjiro Aragaki: And my answer will be the same every time. I’m not going back.

Shinjiro will start to walk off, but he stops when Akihiko responds.

Akihiko Sanada: Actually, we got a new team member. Did you know animals can use Personas too?
Shinjiro Aragaki: …Wait, what’d you just say?
Akihiko Sanada: He’s a dog. He lost his master to the Shadows six months ago.
Akihiko Sanada: And he’s incredibly loyal too… Up until now, he’s been guarding the spot where his master was killed.
Akihiko Sanada: It’s been rough for him, but he’s making the most of it.
Shinjiro Aragaki: … …

Ken walks on screen. [?] After his first line, a question mark will appear over his head.

Ken Amada: Huh? Oh, it’s Sanada-san.
Ken Amada: …?
Ken Amada: Who’s he talking to? I wouldn’t want to butt in.
Akihiko Sanada: We saw someone die right before our eyes, too…
Akihiko Sanada: It’ll be two years, this October…

[!] An exclamation mark appears over Ken’s head. He runs behind the Wakatsu restaurant sign to the left of Hagakure Ramen and turns to overhear Akihiko and Shinjiro.

Shinjiro Aragaki: … …
Akihiko Sanada: How long are you gonna beat yourself up over that?
Akihiko Sanada: That’s why you’re always behind the station, even though you don’t actually hang out with anyone there.
Shinjiro Aragaki: Doesn’t matter.
Shinjiro Aragaki: It was my fault, and nothing’s ever gonna change that.
Shinjiro Aragaki: What does it matter if I come to terms with it? It won’t change the past.
Shinjiro Aragaki: This isn’t like it was with your sister… What happened to Miki was different.

Akihiko’s hand drops to his side. Shinjiro will fix his beanie when he speaks.

Akihiko Sanada: Shinji…
Shinjiro Aragaki: It’s over now.
Shinjiro Aragaki: I just want to forget it ever happened.

Shinjiro walks off. As he does, the camera zooms on Ken, leaving Akihiko out of the frame.

Ken Amada: Two years ago…?
Ken Amada: … …

[!] Ken’s cut-in flashes on screen.

Ken Amada: No way…
Ken Amada: It’s him.
Ken Amada: So his name is Shinji…

08/28, Evening;

In the command room of Iwatodai Dormitory:

Shuji Ikutsuki: Good to see everyone’s here.
Shuji Ikutsuki: All right, come on in.
Boy’s Voice: Excuse me, I hope I’m not interrupting.

The camera will change angles. The door opens, and Ken walks into the command room. An exclamation mark will appear above Mitsuru, Fuuka, Akihiko, the protagonist, Yukari, and Junpei’s heads. Aigis is also present, but will remain still while standing, unmoved. Fuuka will place her right hand over her chest.

Fuuka Yamagishi: Huh? Amada-kun?

Akihiko will get up.

Akihiko Sanada: No way…
Shuji Ikutsuki: Based on our testing results, we’ve confirmed he has more than enough potentiial.
Shuji Ikutsuki: So, I decided to call this meeting to introduce him to the rest of the squad.

Mitsuru will uncross her arms and legs, resting her hands on her lap.

Mitsuru Kirijo: W-Wait, Mr. Chairman, he’s only in elementary school.
Mitsuru Kirijo: And besides…

[?] A question mark will appear over Ikutsuki’s head.

Shuji Ikutsuki: Besides… what?
Shuji Ikutsuki: We’ve already confirmed he has the potential. With training, he should be a valuable asset to the team.
Akihiko Sanada: Did he say he was okay with this?
Ken Amada: Actually, it was my idea to join.

Ken will fold his arms over his chest.

Ken Amada: I feel like I can help too.
Ken Amada: And, I think I finally understand why I have this power.

Akihiko puts his hand on his hip. Ken’s arms will fall back to his sides.

Akihiko Sanada: …?
Shuji Ikutsuki: …As you can see, it was his own decision.
Ken Amada: Looking forward to working with you. I’ll try not to get in anyone’s way.
Aigis: I look forward to working with you as well.

Dialogue Options:

Akihiko’s gaze falls to the coffee table. It will return to look over Ikutsuki and Ken after Junpei first speaks.

Akihiko Sanada: … …
Junpei Iori: Hey, don’t worry, kid. We got your back.
Junpei Iori: It might get tough, but you gotta work hard and stick with it.

Ken raises his fists in the air.

Ken Amada: Understood!

The screen turns black.

Yet another new ally has joined.
Ken Amada… He seems very level-headed for an elementary student.
As the team leader, I need to give him proper support.

09/02, Lunch Time;

In classroom 2-F at Gekkoukan High School:

The protagonist’s phone beeps three times. He opens the phone to view it.

It’s a message from Sanada.

✉ Akihiko Sanada

I’d like your backup.

I have something important to take care of after school, and I want you to come along.

I’ll be waiting by the front gate.

Meet me there.

09/02, After School;

In classroom 2-F at Gekkoukan High School:

Class has ended for today.
That’s right, I received a message from Sanada earlier asking to meet after school.
I should go meet up with him.

At the front gate of Gekkoukan High School:

Akihiko Sanada: There you are.
Akihiko Sanada: I’ve got an errand I want you to help me with. Let’s go.

In front of Hagakure Ramen at Paulownia Mall:

🤬 Shinjiro will walk out of Hagakure Ramen scratching the back of his head. A grawlix will appear next to his head.

Shinjiro Aragaki: You’re really starting to piss me off.
Akihiko Sanada: Things have changed. Sorry, but I’m not taking “no” for an answer this time.

[?] A question mark will appear next to Shinjiro’s head.

Shinjiro Aragaki: What?
Akihiko Sanada: This belongs to you.
Akihiko Sanada: There’s a new threat. Persona-users, just like us.
Shinjiro Aragaki: … …
Shinjiro Aragaki: So? That’s not my problem.
Akihiko Sanada: That’s not everything.
Akihiko Sanada: …Amada has joined our team.

[!!] Shinjiro’s cut-in flashes on screen.

Shinjiro Aragaki: …!?
Shinjiro Aragaki: What the hell do you mean!?
Akihiko Sanada: He has the potential, and Ikutsuki-san approved it. He’s a Persona-user now.
Shinjiro Aragaki: I don’t believe it…
Shinjiro Aragaki: … …
Shinjiro Aragaki: Tell me one more thing…
Shinjiro Aragaki: Was it his decision to join?
Akihiko Sanada: Yeah. He came to us.
Shinjiro Aragaki: I see…
Shinjiro Aragaki: … …
Shinjiro Aragaki: Then… I guess I’ll stick around.


10/04, Dark Hour

placeholder for tonight lol.

11/03, Dark Hour

How immature, fighting over sushi… Mitsuru-san, please order tamago for me. They say you can tell a chef’s skill by how he prepares eggs.