20240122 | animal tissues

  • analysis of organisms on a multicellular level (specialized cells)
  • tissues: groups of similar cells with similar embryonic development and function
  • organs: groups of similar tissues
  • organ systems
  • organism: an individual, in this case a multicellular one that possesses organ systems β†’ organs β†’ tissues
  • histology: tissue structure/function (derived from hist/o-, tissue or web) types of animal tissues: epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous


  • from epi-, outer; thelium (p. thelia), nipple/papilla/projection; -al, of or pertaining to or adjectival
  • tightly-packed, tightly-junctioned tissues which prevent materials from passing
  • basement membrane: secreted protein and glycoprotein membrane which anchors epithelial tissue to rest of organ
  • identify via number of cell layers and shape of cells
    • number of layers:
      • simple epithelial: singular layer
        • areas of passage (absorption/secretion β€” lungs and intestine)
      • stratified epithelial: multiple layers
        • areas of frictional stress and cover (skin, mouth and throat lining)
      • pseudostratified epithelial: single layer that appears stratified due to illusion of depth, created by differences in height amongst epithelial cells
    • shape:
      • squamous: thin and flat; derives from squame, squama: covering that is scale, plate, or flake-like; fish or reptile-like
      • cuboidal: you know… like a cube… cuboid…
      • columnar: you know… like a column…
  • naming conventions based on number/shape
    • for a stratified tissue: tissue is named by free, unattached surface of epithelial tissue layer
  • epidermis: outer layer; epi- + -dermis
  • nephron: microscopic tubules found in the kidneys, surrounded by blood vessel; used for the processing of urine and the primary component of the kidney
  • lumen: free space within a cell
  • villi (sg. villus); finger-like projections (derived from a latin word which references a thick tuft of hair, like fleece)
    • may be pseudostratified
    • evolved structures that increase the surface area of cellular lining of intestinal lumen β†’ increase productivity of transport proteins and absorption of nutrients through intestinal wall
      • microvilli: microscopic folds in the cellular plasma membrane with identical function
  • brush border: the free, unattached surface of the cells surrounding the lumen
  • goblet cells: vase or goblet-shaped cells that contain light-staining mucous
    • secretion of mucous for lubrication and protection


  • diverse junction and support tissues, including blood cell
  • contains a matrix: dividers made from extracellular material (secreted within tissues in the fibroblast cell) that separate cells in a given tissue
    • proteinaceous fibers: collagenous or elastic or etc. fibers; made from a given protein and submerged in a ground substance that keeps them from separating
      • collagen vs. elastin proteins; some have both, some only one
      • string-like
    • ground substance: dense liquid or gelatinous combination of glycoproteins and polysaccharides
  • named by density and fiber or protein
  • macrophages: large, grain-textured phagocytic cells made from wbcs
  • adipocytes: adipose tissue cells; tight packing with transparent/colorless triglycerides
    • β€œchicken wire” appearance
    • within fat vacuoles in adipose tissue
  • chondrocytes: cartilage tissue cells (ex. hyaline cartilage)
    • organ is packed with chondrin ground substance and collagenous fibers
      • glass/fog appearance of chondrin matrix
    • semi-solid matrix with lacunae holes for cells
    • no blood vessels in cartilage; slow diffusion through ground substance
    • side: hyaline cartilage is paired with adipose tissue
  • osteocytes: bone tissue cells with a spiderlike appearance created by thin cytoplasmic projections
    • within the lacunae of the solid crystalline matrix in bone
    • Haversian system is all osteons: groupings of lamellae layers (ring structure) and a central Haversian canal
      • smaller canals: canaliculi β†’ β€œsolid, crack-like” appearance
  • blood cells are divided into two types
    • rbc: erythrocyte
    • wbc: leukocyte
  • blood cell matrix: plasma; serum ground substance, albumin proteins β†’ blood viscosity and others β†’ blood clots
  • mammalian erythrocytes are anucleated; concave hemoglobin disks that lack nuclei
    • non-mammalian are nucleated
  • five types of leukocytes; all are colorless


  • skeletal, cardiac, smooth muscle (digestive, blood, tract, involuntary movement muscles)
  • all muscle tissues can contract, perform mechanical work
  • distinguished muscle tissues
  • skeletal: long, multinucleic, ribbed pattern (striation) caused by arrangement of protein fibers used in contraction; cylindric; nuclei are on edges of tissue
    • voluntary contractions
  • cardiac: striated, uninucleic, short, y-shape cells; posses intercalcated disks β†’ dark, thick junctions that connect cardiac cells
    • only animal hearts
    • involuntary
  • smooth: no striation β†’ name; thin, spindle-shape/tapering, uninucleic cells;
    • may be confused with dense fibrous connective tissue; nuclei are ovaline in smooth muscles and compressed in dfct


  • brain; electrical signaling β†’ responses to stimuli and communications; action potential generates responses
  • large physiology unit
  • neuron: basic cell of nervous system; β†’ dendrons; cell body with parts attached that rip off when spliced for slidework
  • large, star-shape cell body composed of motor neurons: possesses a single nucleus and nucleolus
    • neurofibrils; small, dark in stains
  • axon v. dendrite: axon is long-distance, transmits to other tissue cells; dendrite is short, transmits between neurons; thin axons are easy to tear
  • glial cell (Schwann cells are linear) β†’ grow around axons, increase speed of transmission,

20240124 | phylogenetics

  • outgroup: distantly related taxa ie wolves and lions
    • family, genus
  • pinnae: ear flaps vs merged earholes (β€œear pinning”)
  • summary code: symbolic representation of variation in characters
    • ie 0: ancestral state for character (assigned to outgroup)
    • 1+: evolutionary novelty
  • distance matrix: calculate number of differences between taxa and use to calculate sister groups and distance on trees in values of number of differences
    • used for larger phylogenies
  • convergent evolution: common evolution in distinct separate species / systems due to similar environmental pressures
    • tasmanian wolf vs timber wolf
  • cytochrome c: cellular respiration


  • hypothesis: proposal that might be true β†’ experiments
    • null hypothesis: predicts no difference or change between observed and expected (ratio), no difference across populations; no actual change
      • there is no difference between the expected genotype ratio of 25AA:50Aa:25aa and the observed ratio.
    • straightforward, understand what is being tested. boring tm
  • statistics determine meaningfulness or chance of experiment results; likelihood of repetition for outcome
  • chi square: ratio format data; observed to expected
  • compare o v e genotype, allele, phenotypic frequencies
  • genotype frq: 2 deg freedom (3 classes in hwe)