• raising children through the lenses of cisheteronormativity; creating the unequal burden of “coming out”
    • youth demographics do not represent a cisheteronormative lens: 2% gay/lesbian, 6% bisexual, 3% questioning, 2-3% transgender/GNC → reflected in adult demographics; 3.5% adults
    • worries over “coming out” in transgender youths, though teens are more likely to identify as transgender than many adults 65+; crossover/intersectionality of LGBTQ+ identities and non-white identities
  • “By age seven, youth feel a sense of gender constancy and may begin fantasizing about being another gender or having different physical characteristics to align with their identity.”
  • family support vs. rejection in LGBTQ youth: 72% youth with support were more satisfied with lives than those without; increased consequences and mental health + environment issues for those rejected
  • PFLAG, 1973-present
  • analysis of youths from not only a perspective at home, but at school and outside of the house; analysis on education, education rights, and education areas
    • 1984, LA: first support groups on a formal level and formal educational system → Project 10
    • 1990, Massachusetts: GLSEN → teachers organization
      • “crazy realizing that the GSA names that were super frustrating from a modern perspective are actually rooted in history and make sense with pre-spread of queer theory” ← had a GSA/QSA at her high school
      • National School Climate Surveys and LGBTQ+ content and awareness
    • 2012, California: Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act
      • “mandates an inclusive and nondiscriminatory curriculum, including LGBTQ+ historical events (such as the Stonewall rebellion)”
        • is this actually in effect i never heard about stonewall in actual educational curricula…
    • July 2012, New York and Washington
    • NY/WN: Dignity for All Students Act
    • 2019, New Jersey
    • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act → federal law
  • addressing LGBTQ+ education and sex education on a state educational level; LGBTQ+ education is intertwined with sex education and dismantling a cisheteronormative, procreative view of sex
    • addressing the otherness of LGBTQ+ youth in textbooks and health lectures, or the omission entirely via curricula and lectures
    • addressing hate crimes, discrimination, harassment, and bullying between students and faculty wrt LGBTQ+ identities
      • antigay speech, homophobic remarks or name-calling, remarks about gender expression and harassment
    • inclusive professional and classsroom educational environments
  • 2010s-present: bathroom and locker room controversy