• vascular plants via plumbing (grass, trees, cabbage) vs. algae
    • generic term plant
    • seaweed algae synonymous; kelp are a specific member of algae
  • microhabitat: a neighborhood, local terrain and ecosystem
    • sub 1km
    • california focus
    • different physical conditions
  • varied topography
    • shell sand strips, horizontal streaks
    • rock bench
    • watery channels
    • white-plate clusters on exposed beach
    • silty and damp
  • a book about how plants and animals of different body designs live where they do, not why they have those designs or why they live there
  • no phylogenetics, evolutionary history; how the structure of a plant or animals affects its performance of specific functions but not evolution
  • different effects determine where an intertidal organism lives
    • physical conditions able to tolerate
    • organismal interactions
    • predation
    • outcompetition and abundancy
    • human effects and environmental changes
    • spatial patterns
  • biophysics: the physics of living things (molecular movement and change)
    • biophysical ecologists study physical conditions, effects of living things on physical conditions, mechanisms used for survival
    • intuitive biophysics; non-scientific jargon


  • eddy: a circular vortex of fluid diffusing biomaterial
  • substratum: solid surface where an organism resides
  • water needs to constantly flow; needs to have constant incurred substances, change of nutrients and waste concentration
  • colonize on coast rafting in water
  • local speed determines where sediment is deposed and deposited