name: elu
age: nineteen
pronouns: any/all
ooc contact: tumblr @winifreya
triggers: no change
other characters in melodiae: therion (octopath traveler i)


character name: winifreya sinahon (warrior of light, black mage)
series: final fantasy (xiv)
age: twenty
pronouns: she/her
canon point: patch 6.55
devotion: fangs
defining song: better off worse (circus-p)

application cw: fictional religion, implied parental neglect and abuse, previous harm to a minor; a realm reborn through endwalker spoilers (2.0-6.0; no 6.xx patch spoilers present)


picture this: you’re the hero everyone wants to be. you’re pretty, you’re quick-thinking, you’re clever, you’re strong. you’re steadfast, you’re confident, you’re not afraid to stand up for what’s right—and you refuse to ever back down. you’re perfect as a hero and terrible as a person because you don’t know how else to act.

winifreya sinahon is a paragon by name. the warrior of light in this universe is a savior to everyone she meets, kind and persistent. she will help everyone she meets and everyone she is asked to meet, and she will adhere to each task and command. she’s patient and cunning, and she can work at anything for moons and reach the end eventually. she’s joyful, she’s emotional, she knows how to put on a brave face. she’s good with kids and encourages them more than all the other adults think she ought to. because this is what a hero does, and this is the burden she carries. yes, of course she can handle it. she’s young, but she’s brilliant, and she knows what she’s doing; you can’t forget it. she won’t let you.

and if she doesn’t leave a mark on you by kindness, then the roughness will take its place, and fast. winifreya was raised by the quicksands and protected by a dwarf, and it’s plain to see once you get within swinging range. she only minces words when others force her to, when the balance is held up by frivolous politics and idiots; when she’s in control, she speaks her mind, and she doesn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks. she’s intense and passionate and it convinces people. you don’t think she’s ever let her thoughts rest; she just stokes the fire and refuses to let it dry. the thing is, after years of not getting her way, after years of being a step from the limelight, and after years of being allowed to do what she wants so long as it’s right—she’s nearly an adult but just as much a child, a petty, arrogant girl who believes she’s always in the right, must be as long as possible, and never mind all the times she isn’t. this is how to make sure people still believe in you long after your spark has died, long after your war has ended.

these days winifreya is soulsearching in a strange, old way. she’s taking more risks, more than usual, and she’s helping along the way. often it’s because she’s selfish and needy and she just wants her way. mostly, she just wants to sleep, or to find herself, or both. she’s a brilliant hero and a dangerous, reckless girl. someday, people say, this ought to be her undoing. but hubris is a cruel bastard and her kindest friend; she wouldn’t have gotten this far without it.



hi, dear. it must be your first time visiting the studium. what’s your name?

~▮▮▮▮~. and don’t forget it!

haha, alright. you’re that young kid from house reies who’s trying to prove herself. going to, sorry. you’ve been raised in sharlayan by a large, loud, proud family that runs a respectable research facility for the development of magicite. how have things been, by the way, with your parents and their work?

alright. difficult subject. i won’t pry. well, you’re young, and you have time. enjoy your visit. we hope you’ll come back soon.

oh—has it been that long? you’re here with application papers, i suppose. they all seem to be in order, and there doesn’t look like anything’s wrong. your father didn’t pay to get you into this school, did he?

alright. difficult subject. i’ll try not to pry. well, we’re all counting on you now, ~▮▮▮▮~. you’re part of the studium. you’re with some of the greatest minds on hydaelyn. don’t let us down.


hi, dear. you look a little seasick. what’s your name?

i’m fine.

really? okay, i won’t pry. where did you come from? somewhere the calamity didn’t hit, right? you look too rich for that kind of shit, haha. too young to get it, too. did you even graduate? oh, you did; well, i guess i’m talking to a prodigy. so, where are you going? oh—anywhere but home? you’re just one of those runaways, i guess. an adventurer? no, i guess not. you’re kind of boring to talk to, you know; you’re so silent. you look like you hate being here, you look like you hate talking to me—you won’t get anywhere like this. especially not in ul’dah.


hi, dear. you look a little young to be here. what’s your name?

winifreya. winifreya sinahon. don’t forget it, okay? i’m here for a job and a new life, and i heard the adventurer’s guild could help me. what do i need to do?


well, hello. you’re a strange adventurer, you know. we’ve met before. what’s your name?

winifreya sinahon. what do you want?

nothing so serious, goodness, put the cesti down. but i think you’ve got a talent that, in these times, we need. i think you’d like it there.


what’s your name?

winifreya sinahon. the warrior of light is fine. i’m also a scion. i’m not a scion. i’m a humble scholar and a ward of house fortemps. i’m the hero that saved your godsdamned life from a thousand-year war. i’m a hero back in eorzea. i helped an alliance reforge. i’m not anyone to you. but the crystal exarch knows me. i’m the girl who the warriors of darkness carried down mt. gulg, battered and unconscious and glowing with light. but i’m fine. i’m someone entirely different than who you think i am, and i don’t care for your false beliefs. i’m the person who saved your fucking lives and i’ll do it again. i’m the last daughter you thought died, dad. look at me now. i’m saving the world. i’m the only being made of all soul and aether who can stop you. i’m—

tired. i’ve been on the run for three years. i’ve seen so much of the world and i’m still not done with it nor the universe.

my name is—wait for it—winifreya agala rizal sinahon reies. it’s a good name, right? well, most people just call me the warrior of light. do you have someplace i can stay for the night?


other powers include…

inherent abilities:



discord: winifreya