BIOL 422 — Lecture (Unit 2)


  1. phylogenetic species concept: patterns of shared ancestry and descent; phylogenies; the most terminal, finer points of branches that cannot be subdivided are species; the smallest monophyletic groups on the phylogeny are species
    - not limited to reproduction to define a species; use molecular, morphological information, etc
    - fairly modern way of defining a species

allopatric speciation

sympatric speciation


reproductive isolative mechanisms



background extinction route

mass extinction


macroevolution via mutation

homeotic genes





animal development



nervous system


resting potential

graded potential

action potential

  1. resting phase: local membrane potential = resting potential (-70 mV); maintained by the sodium-transport pump (active transport, ATP)
    • all voltage-regulated gated potassium ion channels are closed
    • all voltage-regulated gated sodium ion channels:
      • activation gate is closed
      • inactivation gate is open
  2. depolarization phase: internal local membrane potential becomes positive value
    • reception of initial stimulus (graded potential)
    • some activation gates begin to open
    • creation of strong electrochemical gradient: an influx of sodium ions diffuse into the axon membrane
    • cumulates (summates?) once reaching threshold potential; more activation gates open
      • positive feedback system: the addition of sodium ions creates its own individual depolarization potential; the potential skyrockets
      • peaks at +40 mV; inactivation gates close
  3. repolarization phase: rapid decrease of potential value
    • huge depolarization stimulus opens potassium ion channel gates
    • massive rapid potassium efflux
    • reaches -70 mV
  4. hyperpolarization phase: potential reaches lower than resting potential value before stabilizing
    • potassium ion channel gates begin to close slowly due to slow fulfillment of electrochemical equilibrium
    • brief hyperpolarization period
    • reaches -75 mV
    • resets to resting potential once peaking at -75 mV
      • potassium gates fully close
      • gated sodium channels: inactivation gates open, activation gates close; reverted to normal resting positions
      • ungated channels begin to matter again; resting potential generation
      • small amounts of depolarization from sodium flowing through ungated channels restores resting potential value
        • Sodium-Potassium pump reinforces resting potential and prevents new action potential event