BIOL 412 — Lecture (Unit 2)

Resource Acquisition and Transport

Water Transport

Small Plants; Root Pressure and Bulk Flow

Large Plants; Cohesion-Tension Hypothesis

  1. Stomata open; water vapor diffuses outside of the cells through the stomata following the difference of water potential; water potential equilibriates, and water potential within the extracellular airspace decreases
  2. Water evaporates out of the cell walls/surfaces into the drier extracellular airspace
  3. Air-water interface retreats; walls curve, forming menisci (meniscus)
  4. Meniscus has a smaller radius, causing negative pressure potential to increase in water; meniscus exerts an increased pull on the water behind the cell wall, and pulls it from neighboring cells
  5. Leapfrog effect; neighboring cells cascade before pulling on the xylem, and thus the xylem sap

Sugar Transport

Pressure-Flow Hypothesis

Phloem Loading

  1. Concentration of sugars (sucrose) in sieve-tube increases, lowering solute and water potential
  2. Net osmosis into the sieve-tube element
    • Does not necessarily originate from xylem; xylem is a good source, but the water osmosing in comes from any area where the water potential is higher
  3. Net osmosis equilibriates and increases pressure potential\
  4. Passive long-distance transport via bulk flow from the source to the sink
    • Occurs in either upward or downward movement across the plant

Phloem Unloading

  1. Phloem unloads the sugars from the sieve-tube
  2. Net osmosis follows outward the sieve-tube
  3. Pressure potential decreases

Apoplastic Phloem Loading

  1. Proton pump pumps H+ ions into the cell wall, establishing a concentration gradient
  2. Cotransporter uses concentration gradient to move H+ ions back into cell
  3. Cotransporter uses gradient to move sucrose into sieve-tube element; ends in phloem loading

Phloem Unloading

Signal Transduction

… is involved in:


Mechanical Pressure
Circadian Rhythms

Environmental Stresses

Drought Tolerance

Nastic Responses

Growth Hormone Responses

Apical Dominance
Acid-Growth Hypothesis
Seed Dormancy
Fruit Ripening
Stem Growth

Steps in Signal Transduction

  1. RECEPTION: a sensory cell receives an external stimulus/extracellular signal (ex. light, touch, electronegativity)
    • requires the presence of a receptor: a protein that undergoes a shape change in response to a specific stimulus (ex. potato phytochromes)
    • the receptor is typically but not always in the cell membrane
  2. TRANSDUCTION: a hormone is released through the body
    • changes the form of the information and amplifies it: cause a large response to small signals
    1. release of relay proteins (kinases)
      • kinases: enzymes that phosphorylate other enzymes and activate them, causing a positive cascade
      • called relay proteins and are generally kinases
    2. release of second messengers
      • usually either ions (Calcium ions) or small molecules (cyclic GMP, cGMP) that have been stored somewhere and are released during transduction
      • cause something else to occur
    • usually both processes occur, but the occurrence of either causes a response
  3. RESPONSE: effector/response cells receive the hormone and process an internal change
    • THREE notable forms of cell responses
      1. altering gene expression / altering transcription
      2. post-translational modifications
      3. alteration of membrane transport / transport across the membrane

Important Signal Hormones

Abscisic Acid

Auxin class

Cytokinins class


Gibberellins class

Other Signaling Hormones




Photoreceptive Proteins

Blue Light Receptors



Red Light Receptors (Phytochrome)

Plant Defenses

Constitutive Defenses

  1. at the molecular level: secondary chemicals/secondary metabolites
    • second metabolites: molecules that are closely related to key compounds involved in synthetic pathways, but are not universal to plants
    • opium poppy sap produces opium, morphine, codeine
      • these compounds, as well as others such as caffeine, nicotine, and tetra-hydrocannabinol disrupt nervous systems in insects and vertebrates
    • chrysanthemum pyrethrins/pyrethoids
      • aromatic phenolics
      • Conium maculatum (hemlock) coniine produces alkaloid poisons
    • flavorful oils (peppermint, lemon, basil, sage) are insect-repellent
    • pine/fir pitch has toxic pinene
    • many have tannin molecules; similar to proteinase inhibitors
  2. at the cellular level: sharp raphide crystals that affect biting
  3. at the tissue level: dense lignin
  4. at the organ level: modified pointy defenses made from tough tissue such as spines, thorns, deceptive butterfly eggs

Pathogen-Induced Defenses

Hypersensitive Response

Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)

Herbivore-Induced Defense


Methyl Jasmonate
